Thursday, January 6, 2011

Bucket List

Happy New Year!

And woah nelly have I fallen off the blogging wagon this month! I guess the holidays were just too crazy. Crazy WONDERFUL that is! We got back Monday night around midnight after 11 EPIC (to use Ian's favorite word) days in Florida.

Christmas, family, sunshine, warmth, beaches, dancing, laughter, friends, late nights around the fire. Life seriously does not get much sweeter than that.

Needless to say, leaving was tough. It was a completely priceless trip.

New years bring new resolutions, and for me, they often involve completing items on my "bucket list," something I started compiling when I was about 12 years old. Over the years, I've added and removed items to fine-tune the excitement, but I still try to get at least one "big" item done a year, and as many "littler" items as possible. So far in 2011, I've already banged-out 3: Sing in a nightclub - check. Model for an art class - check. And spend lots of time dressed as a mythological sea creature - check. And I managed to complete all 3 in one evening, at Dr. Sketchy's Anti Art School. I've been attending the monthly sessions since we moved here, and I was SO excited to model for it! It ended up being just an absurdly good time.

More on bucket lists soon... until then, get to work sucking the marrow out of 2011. To life!

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, Kimmy! I also have my bucket list from middle school, which is laminated (complete with Disney Princess stickers) haha!
    Miss you in my life!
    P.S-L-O-V-E your pictures!
